
It has been inhabited since Pre- historic times. During the Iron Age. Spoleto was one of the most imortant Umbri cities in a dominant position

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It was founded between the eigth and the seventh century B.C. by the Umbri on a hill located on the left shore of the Tevere

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The historical artifacts of the Etruscan era provided by excavations and studies made in recent years, provide a believable picture of the antique city even

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Proof of the Umbri period is given by the Eugebine tablets discovered in the mid- fifteenth century and then later purchased by the towship in

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The historical town center developes around this location and around the sloping hills which begin from the city, thus forming an acropolis and five Medieval

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Traces of human settlements in the Assisi territory date back to the Neolithic era. Numerous archeological artifacts seem to prove that Assisi began as a

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