
Proof of the Umbri period is given by the Eugebine tablets discovered in the mid- fifteenth century and then later purchased by the towship in 1456. They are made up of seven bronze tablets, partly written in the Umbri alphabet and partly written in the Latin alphabet; however, the language which is used is Umbri.
The tablets are now kept in the Civic Museum of the Consoles Building ( Palazzo dei Consoli ).
The city of Gubbio is closely related with St. Frances’ history, especially with an event mentioned in chapter 21 of ” The Flowers of St. Frances” (I Fioretti di San Francesco ) which is the encounter between St. Frances and the wolf near the Church of St. Mary of Victory ( Santa Maria della Vittoria ), also called the Vittorina.
This episode is one of the most famous ones worldwide and the authenticity gas been widely discussed; the wolf, be it a he- wolf or a she- wolf, may be a metaphor for a bandit whom was reconciled with the city thanks to St. Frances, but many scholars believe that the wolf was a real wolf.

Fonte: Wikipedia